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- The Recorderi
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1 nrTwr 'V v- WWfVW OREESnELD RECORDER-GAZETTE FRL AUG- aO 1) Square Dancing ExhihitioiuAL Playground Plans A-KiddtesDay- Big-MiRB Vote Friday -Urged At MF Paper Co MAKE TRACKS Baq In Schools SrCounty Fair NORTHAMPTON In keeping with the country atmtephera of the Three County Fair there wifi be aquan dancing in -tha drawing ring Tuesday night Among those taking part in the exhibition part of tin program will be the Ball ri Chalhers and Calico Couples Square Dance Chiba Callers for tha evening wifi be Ray TYudeau-and Bub Chapman Also scheduled for tha Brewing ring ia a hootenanny "and western jamboree Events will start at I and continue to 11 pm and are free to fair patrons Tuesday is Day at tiie fair with children under 12 admitted free Then is a show at 2:45 pm and one hiicky bey and girt wifi each win a bicycle As usual then ia a free circus how at pm in front of tiie grandstand In the morning AH Judging- conteet wifi be conducted wide' ta NORTHFIlifct) PloneerVal-Iey Regional School will start each class day with moment of meditative -silence or some student principal planned -The move was voted by the FVRS committee last night in response to the recent Supreme Court ruling banning prayers and Bible reading in public schools In appending the clause the committee went on record as being obedient tothe law of the land while strongly objecting to the religious ban The- planned activity would in-dude the playihg- of semi classical music and or reading of a suitable poem or other high-level itanry work Prin George Leonard would week with selected students in preparing the early morning program The committee discussed appU- lng of a ruling by Attorney' Gen Edward Brooke Charles A Morse: of Warwick asked wonder how long it will be Jefow God We Trust is removed from ourmcn-ey?" Morse strong In Ms opposition to the ruling declared wish there was some way I could make my protest known A major point of Jtommunism' is the denial of belief in God How they must be laughing1! Wendell Streeter of Bemaid-ston who insisted -upon insertion of the protest" clause into tiie meeting records remarked (here was nothing the committee could dd but along" with the rule adding "We shouldn't give up Ota k-r The committee gemrally agreed with Mon that should teg our Congressmen to work for the like? What outriders will the send to Millers Falls? of you may Jest you could a union for 1 year or two and if things wfirk well you could then get rid of it you believe this you are making'll serious mistake A union comes into a plant to stay once a union gets into a plant it stays are provisions In the National Labor' Relations Act for of a union You would be required ta take certain legal steps on your own' You would be involved In complicated procedures at your expense preparing a' petition for the Labor Board bearings before the' board and finally If the board makes a favorable finding an election would be ordered The union opposing such a petition' would be expert at it It hud to guess the result The union would etiU be around of you may-hot want the rionand at ttw same time ted at you do not even want to But please remember that union to win the election it only tb get a majority of tilt' put In the ballot box (For example if only 50 people voted 20 votes woGld decide the matter tor all the -people) If you do npt want a union you owe it to yourself to vote If you fail to vote you give a vote for the union If you fail to vote a spiafi majority oould vote tha union into Millen Falla So it is very Important that each and every one of you vote Millers Falls has made a lot a progress since the hard days of 1949-1960 I am pleased that as the Company grew you too shared In this growth In the form of better improved fringe benefits and increasing Profit Plan Shares look forward to the future with confidence that growth both for Millen Falls and you will continue honestly believe that you wil In no way benefit from a union at Miners Falla So in your bed interests I hope that you will vote Bernardston MILLERS FALLS A liiU turnout erf eligible at the NLJIB- consent election next Friday waa urged today in a letter to Millers Falls Paper Company employes by Walker J- Hoamer provident of the firm Hoamer stressed ogress of individuals as the company has grown the danger of experimenting with a union and the need for every Individual to participate in the election requested by the Unit-and Paper Work-a small victory easier to attain the -letter in part follows: election win be by secret beIljttNo one will know her you wetland 'you '-are free to vote against the union no matter what you may have or dona before the election Even if you have 1 signed a union card or promised to vote for the union you can still vote "In pour discussion with your family please ask yourself What has been my personal record over the years with Millers You knpw it has been' a good record you You 1 have had steady work week in and week out with a good deal ef overtime Ypu have had many wege' increases and many Improvements irt your fringe benefits You have eight paM holidays a vacation that includes one to- four weeks vacation sickness and accident benefits Blue Ooss Blue Shield protection life insurance coverage -and a pension plan You have had substantial benefits over the yean through our Profit Sharing Plan This' i your personal retard at Millers Falls without union "Remember too that your progress at Millers Falls oveg the yean has been -without a strike without picket lines without loss of wages without the bitterness that every strike brings with it why risk a change? Why take on the' burden of paying union dues? Why risk paring union assessments? Who will be the officers of the union? Who wifi be the steward in your department? Will ho ho someone you want or gaevtoe Rev James Beveridge minister Sunday 9:30 am worship Goodale Memorial United Church Sermon topic the Gospels 10 am Christian education Baptist Church 11 am morning worship ssrvies Baptist Church Sermon topic "For the Gospels Thursday 7:30 pm Choir rehearsal Baptist Church cation of the law following a resd-Teturfl of prayer to our -r 1 Three New Teachers On Pioneer Valley: Faculty NORTHFIELD Tha Pto- pupil potential over flit next neer Valley Regional Svool Com: mittee last right confirmed ap-poAntment of three new teachers and approved arrangements for a practice teacher Hired were Mias Jacqueline Roberts of South Hadley Roger Genaat of Keene and Rob-gfSl Avakian of Worcester All ftratyear teachers- they will start a to annual salary of $4- 10 15 years was mat by Supt Sumner Turner who reported this has been done and that no further major increases eouldbe seen- for several years Firflowing a discussion of introduction of modem math to certain FVRS claseas the committee voted to Include one division of the new method tor advanced math students in Grade IM A LATE-MODEL USED POMTIAC FROM WIDE-TRACK TOWN: Fbntias Wld-Track riding stabffity on thcL road i paralleled only by yalua stability UM used Pontiac la still a Pontiac and you wUl pleased to own the variety of handsome used Pontlaee you will find on our lot 1981 PONTIAC VISTA 4iDR HARDTOP AH Power 1 Owner With Very CflVA XdOW MUMR 1958 PONTIAC 2-DOOR HARDTOP Radio Heater Defroster Hydramatic tAAC Power Steering aad BrakeATiiited Glass -719 1958 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 4-DR SEDAN Radio Heater Defroster tAAE Power Steering "79 1957 PONTIAC 2-DOOR SEDAN Radio Heater Defroster Hydramatie 87AC Power Stewing aad Brakes 19 1960 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio Heater Defroster Powarfllte tlAAf Power Steering A Brakes 71179 1958 CHEVROLETA-DR STATION WAGON Standard Shift Radio Heater' (QQF Defroster Whitewall Tired 079 1957 MERCURY 4-DR SEDAN Radio Heater Defroster Mercomatie Power MAE Steering and Brakee Real Nice 79 WS CASSIDY Inc 41S FEDERAL ST GREENFIELD PHONE PR 4-4541 SOUTH VERNON The West Narthfield Playground Association meeting Tuesday at the playground started arranging a dies Day tor Sept 15 Mrs Robert Gibson chairman of the- Community Calendar prof ect requested ail members to have their fiat back by the nept meeting The grounds committee will meet Sunday with Joseph Bfilman to arrange for setting out trees and shrubs around the playground Following th meeting a demonstration was staged by the Squakheag Squares dsnerf group with Frank Prattle caller They were joined by members of the audience New Teacher Named -Miss Barters 'Jan WeUmanef Greensboro NC has teen engaged IP teach theftrst frpde in the Vfainon Elementary school She ws a graduate of Guilford College in The teachers of the otter grades remain the Advent Christian Chureh Rev Charles Bentley pastor- Sunday morning wonMp 10:30 a with massage "Living to Junior Church 10 30 ld by Mrs: Evelyn White with- a filmstrip "The Lost Sunday Sdiool 11:35 ranhtp 7:30 pmr with message Youth Fellowship Fireside meeting -Prayer meeting Thursday Sunday-guests of Mrs Estella Powell Were- Ma' and Mrs Harold Griswold of West Boylstan Mr arid Mrs John Heald attended committal services for Mrs uncle Wiliam in Bridgeport Com this week Mrs Cora Hazard of Hartford Conn Is spending a month at the Vernon Ham Mr and Mrs Altert Vsring-burg erf WallMord Conn were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs John Heald Mr and Mrs John Heald Mrs Jane Roberta and' Mrs Estella Powell went to PlahiviUe Conn Wednesday to taka Rev Water te a eamp meeting for tiie remainder of the week They also returned heme their grandson Raymond Heald who has been at his grandparents about two week Week-end guests of Rev and Mrs Spaulding end Mr and Mrs Walter Bruce were Mr and Mrs Richard Barden and daughter Marcia and Mr and Mrs Five-ton Salisbury and daughter Janice of North Scttuate RI Mrs Richard Clough will teach 8th grade at the Gill Elementary school Mr and Mrs Henry Fenner have return following a visit with relatives in Savannah Ga Mtos Sandra Bmee who visited there returned with them Mias Laura Kendall who graduated from Aurora 111 College to June wifi return this week She will teach' at the junior high school in Aurora Mrv and Mrs Roy Ellsworth of Bradenton Fla have been gueata of Mr and 'Mrs Ralph Churchill who reside at the same park in the winter Ralph Churchill and Edgar Bruce were among the group from the First Baptist CJiurch who attended the Baptist's Layman's Retreat at Castleton Normal Col TOP QUALITY USED CARS VERY GLEAN 1957 FORD 1 DrV-g tfOC Standard RILD 079 VERY GLEAN ffiSS FORD Custom 800 6 cyL tOOE Standard RHD: 079 GLEAN 1956 FORD WGN V-8 Standard Afig Trans KJfD '179 Bemardston Womot jCf the Unitarian Qmrch will have the annual food' sale fancy work and whit 'elephant table Saturday at 2 pm on the church lawn The committee will be Miss Florence Wright ancTMra Bertha Wilaon A A public cud party will be1 Saturday pm in Grange NaH The ways and means committee- and Robert Thurber are in charge 9 A standard course will be offered also Instructed by the committee several months -ago to investigate use of Advanced math and science courses in other area schools Leonard told tha committee five Franklin County high schools have been using or wjll tart this year such courses In varying degrees- He said the schools contacted include Greenfield Turners Falls Frontier Regional Amu Academy and Mahar Regional Leonard said tha revolutionary method of teaching math should ideally be started in the elementary school level A move toward that end was started this summer when Prin Hugh Hayden of Bernards ten attended a special course in modem math in itruction He is due soon to re- port' its findings to the school committees of Union 18 and FVRS The annual reception for FV RS teachers iifi take place in the school cafeteria Sept 26 prior to the regular school committee meeting Each year the teachers are treated to coffee and cookies and given the opportunity to meet committee members I860 VOLKSWAGEN 1045 144 Adams Rd TaL PR 8-5057 WAITKUS BROS EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN USED CARS 1958 Chevrolet 4 DOOR BISCAWE I Cylinder RHDL Standard Shift 595 1959 CHEVROLET I DOOR BEL AIR Radio Heater Defroster Cylinder-Standard Shift 995 The practice teacher ia Stephen Kittndge of HolUston -physical education student at Springfield College He will assist In physical education instni fien -at PVRS until Nov 15 The oommitiee diacuaasd problems pertaining to -the opening of school next week possible inclusion of a modem math course and plans for tha annual committee sponsored annual rr eptlan'for FVRS teachers Miss Roberts who wfU teach typing and office practice graduated from Bay Path Junior Col-bachelor 'degree requirements at Boston University The committee voted' to request a teaching waiver which would permit her to at FVRS until she gets her degree-Geneat Will teach general sci-encer He received hie bachelor's dagree in education from Keens Teachers College in June and completed practice teaching Keene High School: Avakian who will teach senior English received an associate degree from Worcester Jun-ion College in 1960 and his bach degree from Clark University this yaar Ha attended Worcester State College this summer Prin George Leonard told tha committee he has registered about 525 students fob the fall term and is "running out of classroom space" Ha said he has scheduled two small English MAKE THE MOSTOF DILLON CHEVROLET MOTOR TUNE UP 1 and AUTO REPAIRS Ws Hoys Ths PLAID STAMPS Given With All Purehaaca and Repairs 1954 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON 100 1957 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON RJf-D 9 PsgT 395 Seduij Hardtop Convertiblaa FARMERS MORE SOLVENT NEW YORK Farm mort- gage debt in Unfa ad States in-J creased by 61 1 billion dollars between I9tt end 1961 In the 'same period the value of all farm as-i The 196I'iarm mortgage debr SHOP THE SIGN tilAC PGlfateTSteerlngkPBrakeaJLAI19 Gaarge-r S- reertfleto- ldumXTtMTIsC PM fiiSl-Mra- ErUdh-Jbhriiv went-uFOTWniort-diaBHC: a was only 3M per centef farm teaE JPRDOBQALAXIE RJLDr Fordomatle 1 1195 '1961' CHEVROLET-Pdikwood OQC 4 Dr Station Wagon 6 CyL 1079 estate-valueFew-eity people Edwsrd Hfgbee pdtnfs1 out in a new report and Farmers in an Urban TtL J-7077 A iuggesfion by WendeH Streeter erf Bemardston a survey should be made covering er Sylvester Aininrorth and family in Clarksburg NY and historic places far northern Vermont ygriMwyn XAJaL I960 'CHEVROLET' ImalaT Spbrt Sedan PGllde pSteerlng 479 I860 FORD Convertible CQC Fordomatle Power Steering- 1180 PLYMOUTH Fury Sport 817AC V-8 PowerfUte ta919 1959 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4 Dr Powergllde Power Steering 1861 CHEVROLET Brookwood tlQAC I CyL 4 Dr Station Wagon I1rl9 1595 1195 1880 CHEVROLET Bel Air Station Wagon' 6 CyL 1980 FORD Ranch Wagon 6 Cyl Standard Shift 1 i 1 I 1 £HE VRCUCX Rrookwood 4-Dr IVRCLEX Rrookwood 6 CyL PGlidOi PS 1962 ALSTIN-HIAUr--SPMTI- 1961 1961 1960 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM- Suburban -Statin 1 9 0 48HE 1 OAC iv-7 13 Sedan" SShlft ii I aW rHfiffTLYMOCTWSMiifBiaL 8 DKm- g7ATHiiOEVMgCTirBivey 'Deluxe WagOT 6 CyL Standard 13 4-Dr PTllte CyL TT 73 1857 CHEVROLET V-8 Station $Q45 159 OLDSMOBILE Holiday Wagon Powergllde PSteering PSL 1395 V-A Automatic Transmission 2-tone black finish' 1195 Sports Car- 1395 8-tena finish 1395 1855 CHEVROLET 4-Dr 495 1395 Spt Coupe Hydramatie 1858 OLDSMOBILE Super 4-dr Sedan Hydra -1959 OLDSMOBILE Club Coupe Hydramatie Power Steering 1858 CHEVROLET Bel Air 6 1888 CHEVY II Deluxe 4-Dr CflVH Club Coupe Powergllde Isdsn PO 1ISS RAMBLER Ambassador 4 Dr 1943 ALFA ROMEO 491 QK Automatic PSteering Spider Convertible 1958 CHEVROLET Impale Sport 1982 VOLKSWAGEN tAQC Coupe Turboglide PSteeHng 2-Door Sedan I 1858 FORD Custom Club Coupe 1961 PONTIAC Tempest Station $1AQC Cylinder Radio Heater Wagon Custom Interior I7D 1957 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4 Dr 1860 CORV AIR Deluxe 4-Door S19QR Hnnltop Powergllde PSteerlng Sedan Powergllde I A7D 1959 CHEVROLET 210' 2-Dr CIAg INI RENAULT CARAVELLE tlAQC' 8 CyL Powergllde DID with 2 Tope 17 115 RENAULT DAUPHINE OQC 4-Door ww 1395 1195 895 745 995 695 $845 TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS 1 1959 MERCURY MONTEREY 2-dr Hardtop 1959 HILLMAN CONVERTIBLE Hr Ideal second car 395 Mercomatlo Trans Whits 1295 EXCELLENT SELECTION 1963 CHEVROLET? In Stock For Immediate Delivery 1959 Rambler American $345 1956 Studebaker Golden Hawk $345" 1954 Ford Tudor Wagon "as ia" $95 1955 Chevrolet 4 door Sedan $195 1954 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan $125 USED TRUCK VALUE '60 Chevrolet Vt Ten Pickup 11295 '1958 PONTIAC SUPER CHIEF 4-dr Hardtop Auto Trane Power Steer Power Brakes Ht 2-tone OK Used Cars Are Guaranteed In Writing On-The-Spot Financing 1959 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN Auto Trans S-pa monger i895 DODGE CORONET 4-dr Sedan Auto Traae Power Steer H- Vary nice 795 895 TIMES BUY NOW AT i'PDLLOM rV ta TELEPHONE PR MOTOR COMPANY LINCOLN CONTINENTAL MERCURY ww 4 I a a -s Jf -h I in uuitau's! IB -ta i i 54 MAIN STREET OPEN EVENINGS GREENFIELD 31 HOPE STREET V'- Vv tv-.
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