Medal of Honor Allied Assault Cheats, Tips and Strategy (2025)

We have a collection of cheats that includes codes for unlocking weapons and becoming invisible.

We have 8 cheats and tips on PC. If you have any cheats or tips for Medal of Honor Allied Assault please send them in here. For more Codes for Medal of Honor Allied Assault go to:
Medal of Honor Allied Assault GameShark Codes

All Medal of Honor Allied Assault Cheats and Tips - Latest First.

Weapon Codes

The following entries can be used with the 'giveweapon weapons/(weapon_name)' code to get the corresponding weapon.

















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Weapon Cheats

Activate the 'Cheat Console' and press the '~' (tilde) key to display it and then enter the following without the quotes replacing 'weapon cheat' with the password for the weapon you want to enable in the game.

"Give models/weapons/'weapon cheat'.tik"

"Give" adds the weapon to the inventory and "Spawn" will spawn the weapon on the ground letting you to pick up ammo.

Unlock Shotgun:

Enter the password 'shotgun'.

Unlock Mauser KAR 98K:

Enter the password 'kar98'.

Unlock Walther P38:

Enter the password 'p38'.

Unlock Colt 45:

Enter the password 'colt45'.

Unlock MP40:

Enter the password 'mp40'.

Unlock KAR 98 Sniper:

Enter the password 'kar98sniper'.

Unlock Thompson (Machine Gun):

Enter the password 'thompsomsmg'.

Unlock M1 Garand (Combat Rifle):

Enter the password 'm1_garand'.

Unlock Springfield '03 Sniper:

Enter the password 'springfield'.

Unlock Bazooka:

Enter the password 'bazooka'.

Unlock Frag Grenade:

Enter the password 'm2frag_grenade'.

Unlock Panzerschreck (Rocket Launcher):

Enter the password 'panzerschreck'.

Unlock Steilhandgranate (German Stick Grenade):

Enter the password 'steilhandgranate'.

Unlock StG44 (Assault Rifle):

Enter the password 'mp44'.

Unlock Browning BAR (Machine Gun):

Enter the password 'bar'.


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Console Cheats

Try entering some of the following cheats if you are struggling with the game. To enter them find the shortcut to the game and then edit it so it reads as follows.

''C:LOCATION OF GAMEmohaa.exe'' +set developer 1 +set ui_console 1 +set cheats 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1

Then during the game press the '~' (tilde) key to display the cheat console window and enter the following passwords without the quotes to enable the corresponding effect.

Unlock God Mode:

Enter the password 'dog'.

Get ALL Weapons:

Enter the password 'wuss'.

Heal Player:

Enter the password 'fullheal'.

Set Current Health:

Enter the password 'health'.

Kill Player:

Enter the password 'kill'.

List of Player's Inventory:

Enter the password 'listinventory'.

Remove Target:

Enter the password 'notarget'.

Teleport to Location:

Enter the password 'tele x y z' (X Y Z are coordinates).

Print Out Current Location and Angles:

Enter the password 'coord'.

No Clipping:

Enter the password 'noclip'.


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Hint on level 1

On the 1st CD, you may can't make it to the embankment. Don't worry, find the medic and he will give you health. It comes in handy on the way up the beach.


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The cheats to become ultimate

Hi, I am new to this website so I thought I would help anyone who needs it. Acess the menu with {~} then type in any cheat you need to help you on this game.

Invisibility- WINCHESTER

all weapons- wuss

heal- fullheald

get ammo- max ammo

kill- kills player

health- set current health

god mode- DOG

This section is to get any weapon that you need. For the all the weapons (besides the ones at the bottom) type in their real names but in all lower case!

Frag gernade- m2-frag_gernade

Walter p38- p38

Mauser Kar98- kar98

Stg- mp44

Thompson- thompsonsmg

Springfeild '03 Sniper- springfeild

Hope you all enjoy these cheats!! : -)


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While hanging around i stumbled on something sur..

While hanging around i stumbled on something surprising. If you enter the game's console, write "maplist" and select the map "m4l0.bsp", you'll play a hidden mission not found elsewhere in the game (till now i did not found it). It's a very diffrient map, with totally open terrain and and this area is full of dogs. One little warning don't enter the water! It is impossible to exit it and you'll only end up stuck.

Ahh! ther you have it ,a very differnt map from others !!!!


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Cheat Codes:Start the game with the command-li..

Cheat Codes:

Start the game with the command-line parameter:

+set ui_console 1 +set cheats 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1

Then during a single-player game, press ~ for the console and type any of the following codes:

Code - Result

listinventory - List Inventory

tele x y z - Teleport to Location x y z

coord - Shows Location

health - Set Current Health

kill - Kills Player

dog - God Mode

fullheal - Full Health

wuss - All Weapons and Ammo

noclip - No Clipping

notarget - Show Game Version

giveweapon weapons/(weapon_name).tik - Gives Player (weapon_name)

Weapon - Names

Colt 45 - colt45

Frag Grenade - m2frag_grenade

Walther P38 - p38

Steilhandgranate - steilhandgranate

M1 Garand - m1_garand

Mauser KAR 98K - kar98

Shotgun - shotgun

Bazooka - bazooka

Panzerschreck - panzerschreck

BAR - bar

StG 44 - mp44

Thompson - thompsonsmg

MP40 - mp40

Springfield '03 Sniper - springfield

KAR98 Sniper - kar98sniper


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If you want to see your own character model, th..

If you want to see your own character model, than you...

Edit the shortcut to the game so it reads the following:

'C:LOCATION OF GAMEmohaa.exe' +set ui_console 1 +set cheats 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1

When in the game press ~ to display the console window. Then type the following:

toggle cg_3rd_person


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We have 6 Walkthroughs for Medal of Honor Allied Assault.

Several walkthroughs for you to check out and also includes a Weapons FAQ and Rifle guide.

By Scott LeeRifle Guide (PC)

By Scottie_theNerdWeapons FAQ (PC)

By ieatdirttooMedal of Honor: Allied Assault Demo Walkthrough (PC)

By Ryan_DunnMedal of Honor: Allied Assault Demo Walkthrough (PC)

By Nautica0963Walkthrough (PC)

By SublemeBrief Walkthrough (PC)

Click here for all walkthroughs

Medal of Honor Allied Assault Cheats, Tips and Strategy (2025)


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Views: 6471

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

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Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.