[3 Ways + Tips] How to Go Down a Line in Discord? (Shift + Enter) - MiniTool (2025)

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  • [3 Ways + Tips] How to Go Down a Line in Discord? (Shift + Enter)

By Helen | Follow |Last Updated

This essay posted by MiniTool focuses on a simple but usually used feature while Discord chat – go down a line and introduces you three solutions. Also, it provides some other knowledge you will probably need while chatting on Discord.

About the Enter Key

The Enter key on your keyboard is very useful and it is one of the most frequently used keys while using your computer. there are mainly two functions of the Enter. When you press it down, if you are working on a document like Word, text, or excel, your mouse will go down a line or next cell and start over. this is the common way to start a new paragraph.

However, if you press Enter while chatting with others in an instant messaging application or program such as Discord, it will send what you have typed out. Yet, many users want to split their messages into several lines in the Discord chat. Since the Enter button cannot help, is there a way to achieve that?

How to Go Down a Line in Discord?

Just press “Shift + Enter” to go down a line on Discord while typing a message. Do press and hold the Shift key first, and press the Enter. Otherwise, if you press Enter first, it will send your message out immediately instead of going down a line.

[3 Ways + Tips] How to Go Down a Line in Discord? (Shift + Enter) - MiniTool (1)

Tip: For word processors like Microsoft Office Word, “Shift + Enter” will create a new line within the same paragraph, different from a new paragraph created by singly pressing the Enter key.

Discord How to Go Down a Line within Code Block?

If you are using Discord code block while chatting, there is another way to come to the next line. Within a code block, you can make use of a single Enter key to go down a new line. That is, start a code block using three backticks “`, leave a space before starting the first character of your message, press Enter wherever you want to go down the next line, and end the code block message with another 3 backticks. No space is needed between the last character of your message and the 3 backticks.

[3 Ways + Tips] How to Go Down a Line in Discord? (Shift + Enter) - MiniTool (2)

As you can see from the above screenshot, if you just leave a space between the first three backticks and the first character of your message, the first line of the message will be one character indented than the other lines. To avoid that, you can press Enter right after typing the first 3 backticks and then start typing your message.

[3 Ways + Tips] How to Go Down a Line in Discord? (Shift + Enter) - MiniTool (3)

The Third Way to Go Down a Line on Discord

Finally, there is a stupid way that allows you to go down a line in a single Discord message. That is, you first complete your message in a text editor such as the Word app; then, copy and paste it into the typing box of Discord; finally, press the Enter to send the message.

Why Need to Go Down a Line?

Sometimes, you have to make long messages consisted of many lines in Discord, especially in Discord servers. Then, you need to go down a line while composing that kind of message.

You may think about why not just separate a long message into several messages. Of course, you can do that. Yet, several messages will not only break a single message into pieces but also decrease the continuity of the meaning.

Therefore, sometimes, you do need to go down a line while chatting.

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How to Move Down a Chat History in Discord?

Besides going down a line in Discord, some users may also wonder how to skip the thousands of messages and go directly to the newest message, especially in text servers. Generally, there are two methods.

#1 From where you are, just press the End key or “Ctrl + End” shortcut to jump to the latest message.

#2 From your current location, directly press the Esc key to go to the very end of the chat history and locate your mouse in the message box ready for typing. Or, just use “Shift + Esc” to put your mouse cursor in the typing box without moving your chat view to the end of the chat history.

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About The Author

Helen Follow Us

Position: Columnist

Helen Graduated from university in 2014 and started working as a tech editor in the same year. Her articles focus on data backup & recovery and disk management. Through an in-depth exploration of computer technology, Helen has successfully helped thousands of users solve their annoying problems.

[3 Ways + Tips] How to Go Down a Line in Discord? (Shift + Enter) - MiniTool (2025)


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